ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ»All 5 10 15 20 25 30 50 100 All Page 8 of 21 Results 141 - 160 of 416 Titel/NameOrder by: BottleID Name Bottle #361 Clipper 1845 This is a detailed model based on an 1845 clipper ship. The ship is a whole hull model with individual planks visible in the hull. The deck also shows … Bottle #376 Ship Leaving Port This is a model of a Barque sailing on a choppy sea away from a village. The ship's hull is red on the bottom and then black with a thin white line … Bottle #382 Soldiers Home Ship in Bottle This is an old mold blown "pumpkinseed" flask bottle with a carved wooden ship inside it. This ship in bottle was believed to have been made by Thomas … Bottle #383 Top Sail Schooner This is a model of a top sail schooner sailing on a calm sea of green. The ship's hull is red with a thin black stripe along the top. The deck has … Bottle #385 Great Republic This is a model of the 1853 "Great Republic" sailing on a choppy sea of green. The hull is solid black except for a thin white strip near the top and … Bottle #386 Clipper Ship This is a model of a 4 mast clipper sailing on a choppy sea of blue. The ship sails away from the opening of the bottle, generally this is regarded as … Bottle #390 Egyptian Galley This is a very detailed an accurately made model of an Egyptian sea-going ship. The ship is a whole hull model with a white bottom and a cherry color … Bottle #391 Far East Junk This is a detailed and accurately depicted model of a Far East Junk. The ship is built as a whole hull model. The hull is stained in a cherry colored … Bottle #407 4 mast Ship This is an extraordinarily well made and detailed model of a 4 masted ship sailing on a calm sea of blue-green. The ship has a brown hull and a black … Bottle #408 Arctic Ice This is the Ship "Arctic Ice" sailing on a calm sea of blue. The hull is red on the bottom, a white stripe in the center of the hull, and natural wood … Bottle #409 Harbor Scene This is a very old and well made 4 masted ship in a bottle. The ships is at anchor on a clam sea of deep green outside a town on a hill. The ship's … Bottle #420 Catch Up This bottle contains a yacht, smaller sailboat, and a row boat on a lake of blue with white caps. The yacht has a white hull, natural colored deck, a … Bottle #424 Thames Barge This is a miniature dimple bottle marked "Empire Made" on the bottom of the bottle. It is a model of a Thames Barge sailing on a sea of blue with some … Bottle #431 Brig This is a model of a 2 masted Brig sailing on a sea of blue inside a small Haig's dimple shaped bottle. The ships has a black hull and a white stripe … Bottle #442 Lady Nelson This is a model of an armed English Cutter, the "Lady Nelson" built in a Haig dimple Scotch bottle. The ship sails on a dark green sea with some whitecaps. … Bottle #444 4 Mast Bark This is a scene of a 4 masted Bark anchored outside a town. The Bark rests is a bed of light green sea and the bottom of its hull is painted red and the … Bottle #445 4 Mast Bark The town has 4 large white structures, two with black roofs and two with red roofs. One of the buildings is a church with a tall steeple on the right … Bottle #447 Bark This is a two masted Bark sailing on a choppy sea of green. The ship's hull is painted blue and has a thin white line mid-hull. The bow sprit is … Bottle #455 Margriet This is a scene of a 3 masted Bark, the "Margiert," anchored in a sea of green outside a town in the Netherlands. The bottom of the ship's hull is … Bottle #457 5 Mast Ship This is a 5 masted clipper ship built in a Gonzalez Byass light green tinted bottle. The unidentified ship has a black hull and white bulwarks with black … Page 8 of 21 Results 141 - 160 of 416 Start Prev 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next End