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Bottle 383 - Top Sail Schooner
Date Added: 01 January 2006

This is a model of a top sail schooner sailing on a calm sea of green. The ship's hull is red with a thin black stripe along the top. The deck has is painted light blue on both the bow and stern. The main deck is natural wood and there is a long deck hatch and a large, low deck cabin. The cabin is painted white with a green roof and window ports are painted on the sides. There are 3 masts with 12 sails. The rigging is nicely done and there is a large American flag flying from the rear mast. The bottle is sealed with a cork and painted in a dark green color. The bottle is identified Haig & Haig on the bottom and on the front are the words "Federal Law Forbids Sale Or Re-use Of This Bottle. That dates the bottle between 1933 and 1965.
Type: Top Sail Schooner   Maker's Name:
Category: Sailing Ships   Made Where:
Bottle Size: 8" x 4 1/4"   Year Made: 1933 - 1965
Bottle Type: Haig & Haig Dimple