ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ»All 5 10 15 20 25 30 50 100 All Results 1 - 7 of 7 Titel/NameOrder by: BottleID Name Bottle #105 Rahsegler aus dem 18. Jahrhundert Very nice merchantman ship sailing on a choppy sea. The ship is has 3 masts and 17 sails. There are 2 cabins on the deck and there is a lifeboat with 2 … Bottle #122 Rolf Buhse 1959 Wonderful small ship with good detail. The ship has 3 masts and very good rigging. There are 4 small flags suspended from rigging in the stern. The deck … Bottle #460 Ruby This is a three mast Bark sailing on a sea of white. The ship's hull is dark red on the very bottom and on the keel. Above that, the hull is dark … Bottle #892 Revenue Cutter In the years after the creation of the United States, the fledgling republic was facing serious financial troubles. Widespread smuggling to avoid payment … Bottle #1175 Red Fort in a Bottle This is a scene with a two mast sailing ship on the river Yamuna near Red Fort. The Red Fort was the residence of the Mughal emperor of India for nearly … Bottle #1234 Recouvrance and Indomitable in a Bottle This is an wonderful diorama showing the Schooner "Recouvrance" and the Sloop "Indomitable" sailing before the point at the Petit Minou lighthouse, at … Bottle #1440 Rijkswaterstaat in a Bottle Rijkswaterstaat is a ship owned in 1915 by Rijkswaterstaat, the department that takes care of all the great waters in- en outside the shore. It is ship … Results 1 - 7 of 7