ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ»All 5 10 15 20 25 30 50 100 All Results 1 - 7 of 7 Titel/NameOrder by: BottleID Name Bottle #297 Bluenose This is a very detailed and well made model of the racing schooner "Bluenose." The ship is displayed in a lab flask and is a whole hull model. The bottom … Bottle #593 Beneteau This is a model of the yacht "Beneteau" in a large flask bottle. The original yacht was designed by Groupe Finot. This yacht is painted white with a thin … Bottle #648 Bluenose This is a very detailed and well made model of the racing schooner "Bluenose" sailing on a sea of blue. The ship is displayed in a large halogen light … Bottle #774 Basta This is a commissioned model of the yacht "Basta" built in a bottle. The hull is painted white as well as the top of the steering house. There is railing … Bottle #1350 Bremer Eiswette in a Bottle Since 1828, the "Eiswette" (ice bet) has been held in Bremen, the birthplace of Matthias Schultz: A round of gentlemen bets on whether or not the river … Bottle #1376 Blazer TX11 in a Bottle Fishing boat of the Botterships-family. The real ship is renovated and belongs to the collection of the Zuiderzeemuseum in Enkhuizen (Holland). This SIB … Bottle #1417 Barca a Pale in a Bottle "Barca a Pale" is Leonardo da Vinci's Boat built in a bottle. It was made with walnut and arice and is inserted in a 50 cl. bottle. The model is built … Results 1 - 7 of 7