ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ»All 5 10 15 20 25 30 50 100 All Page 2 of 3 Results 21 - 40 of 41 Titel/NameOrder by: BottleID Name Bottle #447 Bark This is a two masted Bark sailing on a choppy sea of green. The ship's hull is painted blue and has a thin white line mid-hull. The bow sprit is … Bottle #459 Bark This is a nice model of a Bark sailing on a sea of green with white caps that has turned to a brown color over time. The ship's hull is green on … Bottle #481 Botter These are three models by artist Henny Fransen of different Dutch fishing ships called Botters. It took approximately 25-30 hrs to construct each model … Bottle #515 Brig 1800's This is a 1800's Brig built sailing on a sea of green. The ship has two mast and nine sails with the mast sails square rigged. The sails have both … Bottle #530 Batavia This is the Batavia built as a whole hull model in a bottle. The artist, Frans Dekker, provided the following inforamtion: "This time I will send you the … Bottle #565 Baltimore Clipper This is a model of a Baltimore Clipper ship that was based on figures found in a book by Guy DeMarcos. It is a two masted privateer found in late 1700's … Bottle #634 Bark -Mary- in a Bottle This vintage piece is hand made in a rather heavy, old bottle. It is a 3 mast Basrk named "MARY". She is sailing on very choppy waters past a village. … Bottle #643 Boctok (East) This is a museum specimen and wonderful competition model of the "East" a 28-gun Russian Sloop. The "East" was launched in 4/7/1818. This ship is well-known … Bottle #693 Bark -Ilse- in a Bottle This is a model of a three mast Bark named "Isle" sailing on a sea of green with a small red buoy. The Bark has a white hull with green of the bottom. … Bottle #705 Big Wave This is a nicely made model of a Brigantine, a merchant ship, flying the British flag. The two masted ship had a black hull with a white strip mid-hull … Bottle #716 Brigantine in a Bottle This is a very old Brigantine built in an old coffin shaped whiskey flask with a slight blue tint. The Brigantine has standing rigging but there are no … Bottle #906 Brig New York Stuyvesant in a Bottle This amazing Brig in a bottle was built in 1960 by Jonny Reinert the "King of Bottleships." Jonny Reinert was several times in the Guinness Book of Records … Bottle #908 Belgium Fishing Port Diorama in Bottle This is an amazing, delightful and wonderfully built diorama of several fishing vessels harbored in a Belgium port. The scene contains five different boats … Bottle #909 Brig This is a model of a Brig sailing on a sea of green. It was built in 1975 by George Fulfit. The ship has two masts with square rigging both the main mast … Bottle #985 Bark in a Bottle This is a nice model of a Bark sailing on a sea of green. The ship's hull is green on the very bottom and the rest is white on the lower half and black … Bottle #1192 Bomschuit Ship in a Bottle This is a model of a Bomschuit built in a bottle. These ships did not have a port. The ship has two masts and is twice as long as is wide. The hull is … Bottle #1221 Bigantine in a Bottle 1890's 2 Masted Ship in a clear Union strap-sided flask , attributed to Wilson P. Deardorff, civil war veteran. Wilson P. Deardorff was born Oct. 31, … Bottle #1313 BREMEN (1858) in Bottle The BREMEN was built by Caird & Co, Greenock in 1858, for the Norddeutscher Lloyd of Bremen. She was a clipper with one funnel and three masts rigged for … Bottle #1375 B2 Ship Boat in a Bottle In this type of boat I learned how to row and sail after I joined the Neth. Royal Navy in 1968. First, I build the frame and planked it. Then the cross … Bottle #1399 Belgica Diorama in a Bottle Roger Histel has re-created a scene of the Belgian Antarctic Expedition of 1897 - 1901 with the ship Belgica and its passengers overwintered in the Antarctic. … Page 2 of 3 Results 21 - 40 of 41 Start Prev 1 2 3 Next End