ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ»All 5 10 15 20 25 30 50 100 All Page 2 of 2 Results 21 - 35 of 35 Titel/NameOrder by: BottleID Name Bottle #43 RMS Queen Mary This is a nicely detailed model of the RMS Queen Mary. The ship in nearly the entire length of the bottle and is displayed sailing on a sea of dark blue. … Bottle #801 RMS Titanic From the artist, Victor Leong: "This is possibly the largest ship in bottle made to date. This model of the R.M.S. Titanic was put in a gigantic 40 inch … Bottle #921 RMS Titanic in a Bottle This is a wonderful model of the RMS Titanic, an Olympic-class Ocean Liner built in a large Grant's triangular bottle. RMS Titanic was a passenger liner … Bottle #559 Robacka 66 "A bottled cow" by Reurt Roggenkamp. Reurt is a Dutch Sib-er who built for the 66 anniversary of a good friend, a former vegetarian, a remarkable bottle. … Bottle #525 Rocking Chair This is a bottle with a rocking chair built inside. The chair is made from in natural dark wood and is fairly crudely built but very folksy. The chair … Bottle #339 Rocking Chair This is a nice folk art rocking chair put together inside the bottle. The chair is made from natural wood and is very well made. The front legs are turned … Bottle #1462 Rocking Chair in a Bottle The rocking chair is a particular type of chair, traditionally considered an invention of Benjamin Franklin, which is distinguished by the particularity … Bottle #1024 Roi Gradlon This ship in a 250W light bulb, built by Gérard Breillat, is the buoy Roi Gradlon, a workboat Tender of lighthouses and beacons built in 1948, on the … Bottle #122 Rolf Buhse 1959 Wonderful small ship with good detail. The ship has 3 masts and very good rigging. There are 4 small flags suspended from rigging in the stern. The deck … Bottle #757 Roosevelt This is a wonderful ice boat named the "Roosevelt" sailing on the Gouwzee. The boat was inspired by and modeled from the actual Roosevelt on which the … Bottle #263 Ross Crane This is a different and unique "Ross Crane" in a bottle. The crane is made in multiple pieces and then assembled in the bottle. There are 8 wheels with … Bottle #1071 Rubber Craft with Outboard Motor "I have built two ships for two children. They are 8 and 10 years old and are the son and daughter of the friend of my youngest daughter. After they have … Bottle #623 Rubik's Cube This is an amazing "how did they do that" bottle. Inside an old ink well is a keychain size Rubik's cube inside. The Rubik's cube nearly fills … Bottle #460 Ruby This is a three mast Bark sailing on a sea of white. The ship's hull is dark red on the very bottom and on the keel. Above that, the hull is dark … Bottle #1021 Rustic Log Cabin in a Bottle This is a nicely handcrafted miniature log cabin built inside a bottle. The cabin is log construction with shaker shingles for the roof. There is a large … Page 2 of 2 Results 21 - 35 of 35 Start Prev 1 2 Next End