ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ»All 5 10 15 20 25 30 50 100 All Results 1 - 10 of 10 Titel/NameOrder by: BottleID Name Bottle #399 Palmetto Tree Fan This is an older piece of folk art relating to The Citadel, the military college of South Carolina. It is a palmetto tree that is hand made in a 19th century … Bottle #976 Penn Tennis Ball and Goldact Lock From the Artist, Chris Wood. "While living in Haiti finishing our adoption, materials and tools are limited and our airline does not allow glass bottles, … Bottle #1066 Puzzle Bottle This puzzle bottle was built from wood, copper wire pin keepers, thread and beads. The intrigue is in how a crosspiece with dangling beads could have been … Bottle #1067 Pencil Puzzle Now just how did those pencil pieces get through that shaft is the question that has to be pondered with this puzzle bottle. The bottle has pieces of one … Bottle #1077 Puzzle Pole This bottle is a plastic 5 gallon water bottle 19" tall, 9" diameter with a 1 1/2 " neck opening. ALL of the pieces had to be inside the bottle before … Bottle #1080 Puzzle Stick This is bottle contains a long flat stick the goes from the bottom of the bottle to about 3/4" outside the bottle, Just below the neck line is a slot through … Bottle #1305 Puzzle in a Bottle From the Artist, Keith Brown: "This bottle contains a safety pin through a hole in a 16 penny nail which is passed through 12 7/16" x 3/8" pieces of wood, … Bottle #1315 Puzzle in a Bottle Wooden lathe turned and carved center piece with ‘caged ball’ carving in upper part. Center piece has two pegged and pinned cross arms , one with … Bottle #1458 Puzzle 8 in a Bottle This is a puzzle type bottle illustrating a particular ‘style’ I am presently developing. There are times when it is not reasonable to dedicate an … Bottle #1527 Pund-it in a Bottle This is the 2022 Christmas version of an "IT" theme built in a bottle by Laura Hagen for her father. This continues a fun tradition started in 2005 and … Results 1 - 10 of 10