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Page 3 of 3 Results 41 - 44 of 44

Titel/NameOrder by: BottleID Name

Bottle #1146

Man with Dog inside a Light Buld Building a Ship

This is a great scene of an old man with a full beard, white shirt and bright red pants building a model ship in a light bulb. The man is seated on a stool …


Bottle #1171

Ship in a Light Bulb

This is a ship built in a 40w incandescent Bulb. The ship has a white hull and sports two masts. Therfe are shroud and ratlines coming from the masts. …


Bottle #1297

Bird in a Tree in a Light Bulb

This is a light bulb that contains a tree with a single bird in the branches. The Artist added a single L.E.D. bulb in the base to give a dramatic effect.


Bottle #1530

Santa Maria Del Fiore in a Light Bulb

The photos document a model that I made in a light bulb screwed onto a turned walnut base. It represents the Duomo of Florence; the metropolitan cathedral …


Page 3 of 3 Results 41 - 44 of 44