ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ»All 5 10 15 20 25 30 50 100 All Results 1 - 4 of 4 Titel/NameOrder by: BottleID Name Bottle #102 Rafting Delightful and very well made scene of a large wooden log raft moving down a choppy river. The raft is approximately 1 1/2" x 2" and is made from individually … Bottle #559 Robacka 66 "A bottled cow" by Reurt Roggenkamp. Reurt is a Dutch Sib-er who built for the 66 anniversary of a good friend, a former vegetarian, a remarkable bottle. … Bottle #652 RIGHT MAKES MIGHT A fit and trim Abraham Lincoln has defeated General Robert E. Lee. The president is wearing blue boots with a star on the side, boxing shorts resembling … Bottle #1083 River Dancer Leather Britches This is a mechanical bottle scene called "Dancing Cowboy River Dancer Leather Britches." The bottle contains a wonderfully carved and very colorful large … Results 1 - 4 of 4