ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ»All 5 10 15 20 25 30 50 100 All Page 62 of 64 Results 1221 - 1240 of 1279 Titel/NameOrder by: BottleID Name Bottle #1448 Eiffel Tower in a Bottle The Eiffel Tower is the most famous monument in Paris, known throughout the world as a symbol of the city itself and of France. The Tower was officially … Bottle #1449 Flemish Galleon of 1593 in a Bottle The original model is in the Museo Naval in Madrid and is called "Flemish Galleone of 1593", because royalty of the Flemish people gave it to the Spanish … Bottle #1451 Salt and Pepper Rockers in Jars This is a commissioned set of matching rocking chairs made inside of miniature salt and pepper mason jars for the ‘Miniature Chair Museum in Stone Mountain, … Bottle #1452 Colosseum in a Bottle Through these photos I have documented the model of the Colosseum that I made in 1987. In one photo I show my plans for the project with an image of the … Bottle #1453 Johnnie's Service Station in a Bottle It is a 3 dimensional diorama built up from layered cutouts. I took the original picture, sized it 3 different sizes and cut out areas to give it some … Bottle #1454 Chinese Junk in a Bottle The junk is a type of boat from China and the Far East, so called because one of the main woods used for the construction is the rush, the hull is flat … Bottle #1455 English Port in 1850 in a Bottle This is a diorama of an English Port around 1850. The scene show four Sailing ships and a steam tug anchored in a city harbor. The City has well over 20 … Bottle #1456 English Port Diorama in a Bottle This bottle contains a scene of an English Port around 1850. The scene shows two nicely detailed sailing ships flying the English flag anchored in a harbor. … Bottle #1457 Leonardo Tank in a Bottle Leonardo's Tank in a Bottle is a copy of a 1485 project by Leonardo da Vinci which is found in one of the sheets preserved in the British Museum. Leonardo's … Bottle #1458 Puzzle 8 in a Bottle This is a puzzle type bottle illustrating a particular ‘style’ I am presently developing. There are times when it is not reasonable to dedicate an … Bottle #1459 Cov-It in a Bottle Annually at Christmas time as a gift for her father, Laura Hagen builds an "It" themed scene in a bottle. This year's bottle is a perfect summation of … Bottle #1460 Covid 19 in a Bottle For the realization of "Covid-19" I used one of the many images that are presented on TV. It is made in 15 pieces, with fir wood, enriched with more than … Bottle #1461 High Seas Tug Boat in a Bottle This English deep-sea tug of the original length of 25.85m was built in the hull with poplar wood, shaped and barbed with bamboo toothpicks to facilitate … Bottle #1462 Rocking Chair in a Bottle The rocking chair is a particular type of chair, traditionally considered an invention of Benjamin Franklin, which is distinguished by the particularity … Bottle #1463 Green Chair in a Bottle This kitchen type chair built in fir wood and painted in green color with the seat left in wood color to contrast the two colors. It was built on commission … Bottle #1464 Mount Cervino Mountain Tools in a Bottle This work was commissioned for a Swiss mountain guide from Zermatt which is a mountain resort famous for skiing, mountaineering and hiking located in southern … Bottle #1465 Johan Swarting in a Bottle The four "Orlogschiffe" of the Bremen Town Hall in the upper town hall are heavily armed warships and were used in the 16th to 18th centuries to secure … Bottle #1466 Ideal City in a Bottle For the realization of the "Ideal City" I was inspired by a tempera painting on wood (67.5x239.5 cm) by an unknown artist, datable between 1470 and 1490 … Bottle #1467 Korneliske Ykes in a Bottle Since a very long time the Dutch were very succesful in trading eel on the London market. The eel was stored in a tank, par of the hull, that was in connection … Bottle #1468 Switserland II in a Bottle After 13 years the owners wife of the ship found me again (see bottle ID 632). She asked me if I could build their new ship for the 50th birthday of her … Page 62 of 64 Results 1221 - 1240 of 1279 Start Prev 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Next End