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Build Sue's Wheels

Showy “Wheels” for My Sister – In a Bottle, of course, by Charles A. Hand, Jr
590a.jpgMy sister has an apartment in a "retirement ghetto" up in the N.E. and gripes about lacking "wheels" (attached to a vehicle). She recently mentioned that I had yet to make a bottled model for her. Long ago, she lived in Las Veqas and drove a Jaguar sports car.
590 (3).jpgAccompanying photos show how my devious mind connected those. I suggested that she tell friends that her ever-loving brother gave her a red convertible, Jaguar sports car and there it is over on that shelf.
It is in a 30 ml serum bottle and took about three weeks to make. The two inner base pieces and three auto sections were carved from Poplar. The headlights are bits of round toothpicks plus a dab of putty. Taillights were sanded from modern (composition) round-headed pins.
Tires were sliced from the small end of a Paper-Mate brand Den, painted black about their perimeters, with punched styrene disks glued into each. One disk matches the red car color topped by another disk of chrome (red & chrome from an unused AAA bumper sticker). Phone wire painted black forms the steering wheel.­
The car interior was painted white.  The windshield is of clear plastic, trimmed with (ciq. pack) foil.  After 6 or so (failed) experiments, a simple(r) tool evolved to aid in the installation of that.  A bike spoke was another useful tool.
The bottle base is a scrap of South American Purpleheart - sold at a fine woodworking firm for making pens­. The knot about the bottle neck is of fishing line, and the original rubber stopper was replaced with a cork.  Unlike most vehicles, these wheels should not entail any expenses on her part. 

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