ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ»All 5 10 15 20 25 30 50 100 All Page 3 of 64 Results 41 - 60 of 1279 Titel/NameOrder by: BottleID Name Bottle #898 3 Mast Ship in Bottle This model of a 3 mast Bark was made by the ship-in-a-bottle specialist Des Newton. This model is constructed inside an empty Walkers Kilmarnock whiskey … Bottle #434 4 Guards This is a crucifixion scene with Jesus hanging on the cross and 4 sentries standing guard. The bases is built with cross pieces of wood making 6 arms or … Bottle #371 4 Guards Crucifixion Scene This is a crucifixion scene with Jesus hanging on the cross and 4 sentries standing guard. The base is built with cross pieces of wood making 6 arms or … Bottle #444 4 Mast Bark This is a scene of a 4 masted Bark anchored outside a town. The Bark rests is a bed of light green sea and the bottom of its hull is painted red and the … Bottle #445 4 Mast Bark The town has 4 large white structures, two with black roofs and two with red roofs. One of the buildings is a church with a tall steeple on the right … Bottle #720 4 Mast Bark This is a very nicely made 4 mast Bark anchored in a sea of green near a small landmass. The Bark has fine rigging and flies two banners and the American … Bottle #678 4 Mast Barque This is a very well made and highly detailed model of a Barque sailing on a sea of green. The Barque is flying the flag of France and flies other flags … Bottle #808 4 Mast Ship This is a late 1800’s Ship in a Bottle scene of a ship at anchor outside a town or city. The builder, perhaps a sailor, was very knowledgeable with ships … Bottle #407 4 mast Ship This is an extraordinarily well made and detailed model of a 4 masted ship sailing on a calm sea of blue-green. The ship has a brown hull and a black … Bottle #978 4 Mast Ship This is a four mast ship, possibly German, from around the middle of the 1900’s. The ship is anchored at sea near a town with more than 30 houses and … Bottle #737 4 Mast Ship This is a well made ship in a bottle sailing on a calm sea of green. The ship has 4 masts and there are 21 sails flying. There is both standing and running … Bottle #772 4 masted Barque This ship in a light bulb is sailing on a sea of green with whitecaps. It has a white hull and natural wooden deck. The ship has 4 masts and 12 sails flying. … Bottle #956 5 Level Bead Winder in a Bottle This is a bead wind built on five levels. The center pole and each level of the winder is painted white with black dots. A single string goes through each … Bottle #117 5 Mast Schooner A very nicely made 5 mast schooner with 13 sails on a sea of deep blue and covered with white caps. The hull is red on bottom, then white, with black on … Bottle #457 5 Mast Ship This is a 5 masted clipper ship built in a Gonzalez Byass light green tinted bottle. The unidentified ship has a black hull and white bulwarks with black … Bottle #979 7 Member Band This is a very colorful, fanciful, and delightful scene of a rather strange and bizarre 7 band of musicians built in a one gallon jug. It is made from … Bottle #1142 8 Yarn Winders in a Bottle This is a vintage and very unusual winder inside a bottle that actually has eight individual yarn winders on three different tiers. All eight winders are … Bottle #149 A Sebretti This incredible rowboat in a bottle was made in the Mediterranean and was designed and built as a presentation piece for extremely good customers of an … Bottle #709 Ada Fears This model is based on the Chesapeake Bay skipjack fishing vessel "Ada Fears". The actual vessel was one of the last skipjacks built for the oyster trade … Bottle #887 Admiralty Board This scene, called the Admiralty Board, was based on historic meetings of the Naval Board to discuss the merits of buiding proposed ships. The diorama … Page 3 of 64 Results 41 - 60 of 1279 Start Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next End