ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ»All 5 10 15 20 25 30 50 100 All Page 2 of 4 Results 21 - 40 of 80 Titel/NameOrder by: BottleID Name Bottle #1093 Peaches Ship in a Bottle This is a very nice 3 mast ship named "Peaches" sailing on a somewhat choppy sea. The ship has a black hull, red bottom and white bulwarks and a red keel. … Bottle #188 Peggy This is a very well made model of a barque named "Peggy" sailing on a calm sea of light blue past and strip of land. The ship has 3 masts and 12 sails. … Bottle #1067 Pencil Puzzle Now just how did those pencil pieces get through that shaft is the question that has to be pondered with this puzzle bottle. The bottle has pieces of one … Bottle #976 Penn Tennis Ball and Goldact Lock From the Artist, Chris Wood. "While living in Haiti finishing our adoption, materials and tools are limited and our airline does not allow glass bottles, … Bottle #61 Peter (bow) Heiligenhafen (stern) Very funny and unusual scene of a passenger ferry pulled up to a landmass. The ferry has 2 masts, one with a sail and flag. There are many details on the … Bottle #393 Philippine Huts This is a interesting village scene on some tropical native paradise in the Pacific. The are two rattan huts with nice features including ladders, windows … Bottle #905 Philippine Huts in Bottle This is a village scene in the Philippines. There are two rattan hut on stilts with nice features including ladders, windows with push out covers. The … Bottle #220 Philippine Village Cute scene of a Philippine family working around their hut. There is man loading firewood on a 2 wheeled hand cart. Nearby is a woman doing laundry at … Bottle #253 Philippines A delightful model of an Asian hut in a bottle made for the tourist trade. It's a scene of a rattan hut with a ladder going up to the hut built on … Bottle #840 Phoebus This is an model of the "Phoebus" a Swiss 3 tonneaux classic racing boat. The model has one mast with three sails. The main sail has the number 17 near … Bottle #797 Picture Frame and Easel in a Bottle This bottle contains a large gold painted easel with a gold frame with a picture of a young boy and girl. The attractive children are dressed in period … Bottle #417 Pilgrimage Crucifixion This is a very folksy scene of the Crucifixion. The scene shows Jesus hanging from the wooden cross. The figure of Jesus is carved in wood and is nearly … Bottle #1237 Pilgrimage to Saint Guirec in a Bottle This diorama in a Bottle depicts a pilgrimage to the oratory of Saint Guirec towards 1900. According to the legend, Guirec, c. 6th century, was a Welsh … Bottle #116 Pilot Schooner 19th Century Nicely made pilot schooner in an upright bottle. The schooner is full hulled and is mounted on a wood block on the bottom of the bottle. The block says: … Bottle #557 Pioneer Tools This is a one-handled jug with a saw horse for sawing logs, an axe, a buck saw, and a cross saw built inside. All of the tools are in natural wood that … Bottle #483 Pioneer Tools This bottle contains outdoor woodworking tools. Inside the bottle is a saw horse with a split log on the frame. There is a buck saw across the center … Bottle #616 Piper Cub This is a wonderful and very accurate model of a piper club built in a bottle. The airplane is at rest on a bed of grass. The airplane is painted in … Bottle #1298 Piracy: Centuries of Terror On the High Seas The decorative base suggests a tropical isle and buried treasure. The ship not of any specific historical pirate but patterned after an 1824 vessel with … Bottle #773 Pirate Ship This is a very well made pirate ship built in a 5 inch light bulb. The ship has a black hull, and silver along the deck bow, stern, and bowsprit. There … Bottle #1150 Pirate Ship in Bottle This bottle contains a two mast pirate ship with the proverbial skull and cross bone symbol on the sail. On the ships is a pirate with his sword at this … Page 2 of 4 Results 21 - 40 of 80 Start Prev 1 2 3 4 Next End