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Bottle 695 - Santa Lucia
Date Added: 08 March 2010

This is a model of the S. Lucia sailing on calm waters. The Santa Lucia is a Sicilian light cargo boat servicing the Mediterranean ports with a variety of goods including the very popular local wines. The hull of this model is white with two thin green stripes and green on the top part of the hull. The boat has one mast and supports two sails. The rigging is accurate and very nicely done. An Italian flag flies from the rigging. A black anchor hangs from the side of the hull and the name "S. Lucia" is painted on the stern of the boat near the ship's rudder.. On deck, there are numerous details including two hatches, a large cabin, and several kegs of wine. The bottle is sealed with a cork and a Turks head knot is around the neck. The bottle rests on a polished plinth with "A Sicilian Cargo Boar 'S. Lucia,'" the name and type of boat framed in wood. Three kegs with the word "Vino" are stacked under the neck of the bottle. On the end of the plinth are the words "Made by B Stratton 2008."
Type: Sicilian Cargo Boat   Maker's Name: Stratton, B
Category: Watercraft   Made Where: Wakefield, West Yorkshire, UK
Bottle Size: 8" x 3 1/2"   Year Made: 2008
Bottle Type: Unidentified