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Bottle 46 - Gutenberg Drucker
Date Added: 01 October 2005

Scene of a printing press room with printing taking place. The scene contains a wood floor with a Gutenberg press with plates, paper and mallet. There is a wastebasket at the foot of the press with discarded paper. The room also has a table with one chair. There are 2 small working benches. Another table is in the rear of the bottle with a cabinet holding the letters in sections of the cabinet. Beside that is another wastebasket with discarded paper, A clothesline type cord stretches across the room with 4 papers hanging in order to dry. There is a door and window on the back wall with 3 additional printing tools hanging on the wall. The stand is wood with a brass plate "Gutenberg Druckerei um 1445” The bottle is sealed with cork and a wood cap with the letters BB carved on it.
Type: Printing Shop   Maker's Name: Glapa, Hans - Joachim
Category: Structure   Made Where: Hetern, Germany
Bottle Size: 11 1/2" x 3"   Year Made: 1990
Bottle Type: Manila Distillery Bottle