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Bottle 1218 - ReVisit in a Bottle
Date Added: 26 December 2015

This bottle is another in a series of Christmas "It" bottles made by Laura Hagen for her father, Greg Alvey. All bottles in this series contain "it" for the theme. This bottle called "Revisit" is a large bottle with two smaller bottles inside. One of the small bottles contains rabbit "shit" and the other fake "vomit." Each of these were themes in previous years. The bottle is wrapped with string and sealed with a cork. The is a tag that reads: "ReVisit in a Bottle." A nod to the old favorites Shit in a bottle and Vomit in a bottle."
Type: Large Bottle with two smaller ones inside   Maker's Name: Hagen, Laura
Category: Whimsey   Made Where: Paris, KY
Bottle Size: 10" x 3 1/2"   Year Made: 2015
Bottle Type: Misc. Container