Date Added: 26 August 2015
The Koch is a Russian Polar Ship constructed in a scale of 1/1000. A little history from book "Koch - Russian polar ship: research and reconstruction problems": Koch as a unique polar ship of pre-Peter time is presented. Created by the Pomors, Koch became the only ship in the world that was adapted to sail in the ice conditions during the Epoch of Great Geographical Discoveries. Due to Koch, Russian manufactures and explorers could begin mastering of the Northern Sea Way, colonize the vast northern area, and found new settlements beyond the polar circle. Nowadays there are only written witnesses about Koch but the exact outlook and ships construction is unknown. Based on archaeological excavations and scientific research of recent years the reconstruction program of Russian Koch and preparation of the historical experiment to sail by the reconstructed ship was proposed. Realization of this program will let Russian Koch to be placed among the unique objects of World heritage such as the balsa raft "Kon Tiki" constructed by T Thor Heyerdahl's papyrus boat " "Ra." When building the model I use the drawings from the magazine "Modelist Constructor" 1973, ?10. - Artist, Igor Brekhuntsov